Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking back at 2013 I am exceptionally grateful. In just twelve short months, my life managed to change rather drastically. After graduation, moving to New York City, spending time in Colorado, landing my dream internship, starting a new job, celebrating my golden birthday and endless travel in between, I cannot help but feel extremely blessed. While I often feel my life is pulling a million directions at once, days like this (in sunny Florida no less) allow me to take a minute and appreciate the wonderful and unexpected things that have come my way. I hope everyone has a happy New Year! I look forward to what 2014 has in store--if 2013 was any indication, I have high hopes! Cheers!






Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Little Christmas

A week ago I arrived in Maryland and the holiday spirit was overwhelming. My family was all in one place (a rarity considering we live on different coasts at this point in time) and I was ecstatic to be home with old friends. While the week flew by way too fast, we still managed to cram in all our favorite traditions. Highlights included our annual Christmas Eve celebration, gingerbread house decorating, a tacky sweater party, trips to the movies, naps by the Christmas tree, favorite restaurants and more! I left Maryland with a heavy heart, but with wonderful memories and a renewed urgency to get our next family trip marked in the books!

{Christmas brunch complete with mimosas while still in PJs}

Each year I look forward to decorating my sugar cookies and intricately wrapping presents--I'll let you in on a few secrets and tips to make both stand out. The trick to beautiful cookies, without all the mess and frustration, is icing them with a squeeze bottle! I purchased mini ones from Michael's so that I could have a variety of color icings to decorate with. As far as wrapping goes, I always enjoy a present that is almost too pretty to unwrap. After all the outside is what you see first! This year I incorporated hand cut snowflakes, glittery wrapping paper, homemade gift tags (courtesy of Style Me Pretty) and large bows.

{William & Sonoma Sanding Sugar Sprinkles make your cookies glisten!}


Hopefully my Christmas touches inspire you for holidays to come. I wish everyone a merry merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Comes In All Sizes

Today, I'm sharing a link I recently stumbled upon and love. With Christmas around the corner I am sure most people have their trees up and decorations in place. However, it is my first year living in NYC--in a tiny apartment nonetheless--and I have noticed many people opt out of putting up trees due to their small spaces. For the girl who counts down the days until her family trip to a tree farm in rural Maryland to hand cut the perfect tree, I find this devastating. Therefore, I wanted to share with you a couple of nontraditional ideas, creative Christmas trees for tiny homes! Even if you don't want a real tree taking over your living space, it is never to late to add a little Christmas cheer to your cozy apartment!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Hostess

Tis the season to celebrate! 

Around this time of year Christmas parties and impromptu holiday gatherings are abundant and while party planning is something I anxiously await, many shy away from this daunting task. Hosting the holidays does not need to be stressful! With festive decor and just a few unique touches (like sparkly tinsel drink stirrers, ornament filled apothecary jars and a chalkboard menu) your party will be the show stopper you strive for in no time.
Holiday Banner // Ornaments // Mercury Glass Votives // Garland // Tinsel Stirrers // Cocktail Napkins // Serving Tray // Chevron Straws // Georgetown Cupcakes (You are in luck because these heavenly treats can be shipped nationwide!) // Cake Stand // Chalkboard Sign

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stocking Stuffers.

Each year, I anxiously await Christmas morning: waking up to my family all under one roof, running to the window to see if it has snowed and spending a lazy day with Christmas movies, comfort food and loved ones.

As far as gifting is concerned, stockings have always been a personal favorite of mine. I have a love for all things tiny and stockings tend to hold the prefect combination of such things! My family always tackles stockings first as we leisurely enjoy a breakfast appetizer in our pajamas--typically consisting of warm monkey bead and coffee mounded with freshly whipped cream. Whatever your tradition, there is nothing quite as festive as the sight of a full stocking hung above the fireplace!

Therefore, to round out my holiday recommendations, I share with you my clever, cute (and affordable!) gift ideas to spice up your stockings--or simply gift on their own! 

1. Deborah Lippmann Polish Duo - pretty polish that comes in the cutest glittered pouch
2. Gold Confetti Paper Napkins - perfect for any festive gathering
3. Backup iPhone 5 Battery - because everyone could use this handy battery boost while on the go
4. "Made with Love" Cookie Stamp - to bake an adorable homemade treat for loved ones
5. Embellished Hair Ties - dress up your everyday ponytail with these chic ties 
6. Letterpress Recipe Cards - recipe cards may be a lost art in this electronic age, but why not scribble down one of your favorite recipes from grandma on these adorable cards
7. Golden Monogram Mug - for all those coffee lovers
8. Furry Gloves - because who doesn't love a hint of fur every now and then...especially when it keeps you extra warm in the winter
9. Mercury Glass Candle - one of my all-time favorite scents that makes for the perfect gift  

The best part is, all these fabulous stocking stuffers can be found in one spot! Anthropologie is always my go-to store for unique gifts and charming details to make an ordinary gift stand out.

Happy gifting!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide.

You may think that this holiday gift guide comes prematurely (in which case you would strongly object to the Christmas music currently playing as I write this.) However, with December hastily approaching, holiday shopping will be in full swing before you know it! I vowed to start this process early--as I eagerly state most years, rarely ever following through--so that I could enjoy the season rather than succumb to the chaos that inevitably unfolds the week before festivities. I hope to skip the stresses of last minute shopping and instead fill my time appreciating the joys winter brings: ice skating in Central park, hot chocolate from City Bakery, Christmas movies by the fire and a trip home to help cut down the perfect tree.
So, without further ado, here is my first ever holiday gift guide. Items range from under $25 steals to splurge-worthy finds. They all make for memorable gifts, whether you are drawn to leopard booties, sweet midi rings or sinful New York cookies.

I hope this guide inspires you when it comes to gift-giving this year, whether for your own holiday wish list or for others.
15. J.Crew vest 

Monday, November 11, 2013


In an attempt to start my week off healthy while still satisfying my insatiable sweet tooth, I decided to test out  "grahamwiches." They are not quite ice cream sandwiches, but close enough considering how easy they are to make and how many calories you save!
I have seen various recipes for such treats using cool whip, cookies, Greek yogurt, you name it. Today, I simply used the frozen yogurt I had on hand and incorporated some of my favorite indulgences--peanut butter, sprinkles and dark chocolate chips. The possibilities are endless, so get creative!


  1. Break each graham cracker in half
  2. Spread peanut butter, or Nutella, evenly onto each half (optional)
  3. Spoon frozen yogurt onto one half and sandwich the crackers together
  4. Roll sides in sprinkles (or chocolate chips, crushed nuts, toffee bits, etc.)
  5. Lay flat on a baking sheet and freeze
  6. Enjoy once frozen!
I was pleasantly surprised by just how delicious "grahamwiches" were and will definitely be making them in the future. As an added bonus, these would make a great snack for kids--yes, this in the nanny in me speaking :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Life Lately {According to Instagram}

Another month has flown by. Fall has come and Winter is well on its way. Central Park has never looked so gorgeous and farmers markets are bountiful with seasonal treats. This month I made a trip to Farr Hills for The Hunt, ran around the city in search of Banksy graffiti art (before it was destroyed), celebrated Halloween and cheered on participants from around the world during the INGmarathon.  Up next is an anxiously awaited trip to USC--and impromptu college reunion--to cheer on my Gamecocks.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nightstand Necessities.

In my opinion, one's nightstand is a pretty sacred place. Although mine may be disorganized at times, it is usually a relatively good glimpse into my life.

In my tiny New York apartment, my bedside table is a combination of pretty and functional and often serves as a "catch all" in my hectic life. You will always find my favorite Dyptique candle, a block sign which reads, "love you to the moon and back" and an Eiffel tower ring stand draped with my jewelry from the week. There is typically a recently used Essie polish (currently obsessed with "The Lace Is On" iridescent purple shade) and sunglasses flung to the side in my rush home from work. Beneath my table I have a colorful clock and a collection of books--Cupcakes & Cashmere, The Devil in the White City and a compilation of handcrafted Manhattan maps.

Below is a preview of what is at by bedside and an assortment of what I deem necessary. With a combination of these items you will have a chic, yet practical, nightstand in no time.

10. Watch

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dia de Los Muertos.

Oh and in case anyone was wondering, here is a glimpse (#selfie) of my Halloween costume this year.

Dia de Los Muertos came to life with this incredible sugar skull face paint. I could not have been more pleased with the turn out! Add a flower headband, glow-in-the-dark skeleton leggings and some black booties and you are set! It was my simplest costume to date, yet definitely the most eye catching. I was just happy to see that Halloween festivities most certainly do not end post college graduation.

Hope everyone had a great Halloweek!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Festive.

The cold weather came abruptly this week and I think it just might be here to stay. Leaves are changing in Central Park, Manhattan townhouses are adorned with spooky décor and everyone around seems to have a PSL (pumpkin spice latte, of course) in hand.

As the holiday season approaches, there are two things I anxiously await: pumpkin painting with my mom and seasonal baking. While I love my traditions, I am always looking to test out new and imaginative ideas. That being said, I have compiled a few recipes and pumpkin designs I hope to experiment with this month. I hope this gives you a little inspiration to get "fall festive", too!

1. Ombre Pumpkin- This easy DIY project is a playful twist on your average orange pumpkin.
2. Studded Pumpkin- Is this not the most chic and edgy pumpkin you have ever seen!?
3. Owl Pumpkin- Definitely a detailed and intricate undertaking, but if you are up for the challenge, this lace owl is stunning inspiration!
4. Marshmallow Ghost Cake- If you're already baking a cake around Halloween, you may as well go ahead and craft a spooky scene to grab everyone's attention.
5. Pumpkin Pie Slice Cookies- For those of you who don't know me, I hate all things pumpkin (chalk it up to a horrible childhood experience I can't seem to shake). These adorable cookies are the perfect way to achieve the look of the essential Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, without ever having to taste the flavor of it!
6. Candy Corn Treats- A simple yet charming treat that could be thrown together at any time.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Life Lately {According to Instagram}

These past few weeks were filled with countless visitors, weekend travel and outdoor activities. I cherished the last days of summer with hikes, bike rides [my newest obsession], outdoor dining [Stone Street is a must], impromptu early morning sunrise viewings and a girls beach weekend. I indulged in the decadent Freeman sundae, anxiously awaited the arrival of my new Phillip Lim x Target bag and squeezed in a little "Monday Funday" with an intimate Lorde concert in the Lower East Side. New York, you have been good to me!  

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hello Fall.

Welcome to Rooftop Revelry! With the first couple of months in New York under my belt--oh, how time flies--I feel like I have finally settled in and found my niche in this crazy city. As the scorching heat subsides and autumn arrives, the city as a whole feels refreshed and rejuvenated. It is that magical time of year where the leaves start changing, holidays and family gatherings are around the corner, boots and cozy sweaters become new wardrobe staples and excuses to bake are abundant. F. Scott Fitzgerald captured the feeling perfectly when he wrote, "life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." With this new energy and attitude electrifying the city, I could think of no better time to start my first blog. Rooftop Revelry is a creative outlet for me to document the things that excite and inspire me and share them with others along the way. Enjoy!