Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Festive.

The cold weather came abruptly this week and I think it just might be here to stay. Leaves are changing in Central Park, Manhattan townhouses are adorned with spooky décor and everyone around seems to have a PSL (pumpkin spice latte, of course) in hand.

As the holiday season approaches, there are two things I anxiously await: pumpkin painting with my mom and seasonal baking. While I love my traditions, I am always looking to test out new and imaginative ideas. That being said, I have compiled a few recipes and pumpkin designs I hope to experiment with this month. I hope this gives you a little inspiration to get "fall festive", too!

1. Ombre Pumpkin- This easy DIY project is a playful twist on your average orange pumpkin.
2. Studded Pumpkin- Is this not the most chic and edgy pumpkin you have ever seen!?
3. Owl Pumpkin- Definitely a detailed and intricate undertaking, but if you are up for the challenge, this lace owl is stunning inspiration!
4. Marshmallow Ghost Cake- If you're already baking a cake around Halloween, you may as well go ahead and craft a spooky scene to grab everyone's attention.
5. Pumpkin Pie Slice Cookies- For those of you who don't know me, I hate all things pumpkin (chalk it up to a horrible childhood experience I can't seem to shake). These adorable cookies are the perfect way to achieve the look of the essential Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, without ever having to taste the flavor of it!
6. Candy Corn Treats- A simple yet charming treat that could be thrown together at any time.

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