Monday, November 11, 2013


In an attempt to start my week off healthy while still satisfying my insatiable sweet tooth, I decided to test out  "grahamwiches." They are not quite ice cream sandwiches, but close enough considering how easy they are to make and how many calories you save!
I have seen various recipes for such treats using cool whip, cookies, Greek yogurt, you name it. Today, I simply used the frozen yogurt I had on hand and incorporated some of my favorite indulgences--peanut butter, sprinkles and dark chocolate chips. The possibilities are endless, so get creative!


  1. Break each graham cracker in half
  2. Spread peanut butter, or Nutella, evenly onto each half (optional)
  3. Spoon frozen yogurt onto one half and sandwich the crackers together
  4. Roll sides in sprinkles (or chocolate chips, crushed nuts, toffee bits, etc.)
  5. Lay flat on a baking sheet and freeze
  6. Enjoy once frozen!
I was pleasantly surprised by just how delicious "grahamwiches" were and will definitely be making them in the future. As an added bonus, these would make a great snack for kids--yes, this in the nanny in me speaking :)

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