Monday, May 18, 2015

BK Botanical Gardens

With my days in NYC nearing the end, I am using every day off work to tackle another item on my bucket list. 

This week - Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. 

After what I would consider the longest winter in my life thus far, spring finally revealed itself in the city. Overnight tulips popped out, temperatures spiked, patios opened and the usual NYC uniform transformed from black to color. I wanted to make sure I made it to the gardens before this scorching heat killed the blooms. I was in awe to discover such a magical (green!) oasis existed in this concrete jungle. Lanes of cherry blossoms, fields of blue bells, green houses, exotic gardens and fresh fragrances. 

Luckily for me, I went on a Wednesday so the crowds were a nonissue and after walking the gardens I was able to find a nice spot to post up in the shade with my book.  

If you are ever in search of a much needed city getaway, the botanical gardens are for you - and right off the 2/3 line :) 

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