Saturday, February 14, 2015

Be Mine.

Oh - how I love this day! 

Here are five things that I have enjoyed this past week in honor of Valentine's Day.

I hope your long weekend was filled with nothing but love (and maybe a few sweet indulgences!) 


[adorable (uber sprinkled) Valentine's Day cookies] 

[stack of mini pancakes on a lazy morning] 

[month of love gift guide] 

[homemade s'mores cake, sprinkled with hearts just for Valentine's Day] 

[a hike with Bella in Valentine inspired red kicks]

Monday, February 9, 2015

Do As The Coloradans Do.

I was able to jet off to CO for a couple of days and in true fashion, my parents planned an unforgettable week. From skiing and sporting events to snowy walks and hot tubs, I had an authentic Colorado experience and was able to spend some quality time with two of my favorite people.  I always leave Colorado with a heavy heart and an overwhelming urge to book my next flight - one ways are increasingly tempting! 

My adventurous trip is way more exciting via pictures - enjoy! 

[chasing the sun all the way to Colorado]
[Copper Mountain - only a mild pizza formation needed]
[ski lift selfie]
[yes, my first rodeo]
[mouthwatering grapefruit pancakes with cornflake crunch from Root Down]
[CU basketball game - go Buffs!]

Friday, February 6, 2015

Love Notes.

With Valentine's Day around the corner I began to think about little gestures of love. Nothing crazy or elaborate, just simple tokens of appreciation - mailing a handwritten note, making an unexpected phone call, picking up the tab for the person in line behind you.

As I thought about these sweet nothings, I began browsing Pinterest for inspiration. Initially I was in search of creative valentines to hand out (it is my favorite holiday after all), however I stumbled upon this free PDF print off that is much more versatile - no holiday needed!

I instantly fell in love with the sweet, simple idea of custom Post-it notes. Easy to print, personalize and post around the apartment - proving the little things do not go unnoticed. Just place the blank sticky notes in the lines on the template, pop it in the printer and print!

In the spirit of Valentine's day, happy month of loovveeeeee!