Thursday, April 10, 2014

Antigua Smile.

It had been six years since my family managed to align our hectic schedules and plan a week-long vacation. Once we committed to March, my mom went to work (I swear she was a travel agent in a previous life). In no time flights were booked, a villa in Antigua was reserved and we were anxiously counting down the days like it was spring break.
From the moment I was handed rum punch as I walked towards customs to our last sunset dinner at Sheer Rocks I was completely relaxed and in constant awe of the beauty this tiny island had to offer.
Our days were spent laying on white sand beaches, swimming in crystal clear turquoise water and relaxing under palms with cocktails in hand (recipe for an authentic Antigua Smile here). We enjoyed leisurely breakfasts on our porch and sunset views from the infinity pool. We cooked (grilled pineapple is my new found obsession), dined out (lobster was always a favorite), played euchre (you fellow Michiganders know what card game I am talking about!) and danced to Pharell's "Happy" no less than 100 times.
I could not have asked for a more peaceful getaway. Though I am sure my dad would beg to differ as he was driving us down winding, dim-lit roads with zero signage--on the left side of the road no less, though he frequently let that small detail slip.
As I continue to grow older and move further away I realize how fortunate I am to have parents who make family time a priority. I genuinely look forward to the time we spend together and am always grateful for the way our relationships continue to grow as we reach different stages in our lives.
Antigua was a vacation in every since of the cell phone service definitely aided the escape...and I would highly recommend this destination (especially Villa Sunset).
Here is a glimpse of our Antiguan adventure.
Hopefully our next family getaway isn't six years in the making.




  1. Antigua has a piece of my heart!!! Such wonderful memories. I'm dreaming of another evening watching sunset from the infinity pool with a rum punch in hand =)

  2. This looks amazing! Bring me with you on your next family vacay :)

  3. Aaaah, Antigua! I miss you! I love the way we vacation together - lots of rest, relaxation, and in this case, rum! Love your blog post Kelly - it really brought me right back to that special island with the best family ever!
