Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I managed to escape the polar vortex that is New York and head out to sunny San Francisco for a much needed change of scenery. It is a city I had been dying to visit (especially since my big brother has lived there for six years now and from what I can tell, has no intention of leaving). I could go on and on about my trip, but I managed to post my five favorite San Francisco finds--believe me narrowing it down was no easy task! After just four says filled with drip cup coffees, outdoor markets, beach walks and beautiful sunrises, I can see the west coast appeal.

{Tartine- An absolute MUST if you are in SF. Best croissant I've had...wait in the ridiculously long line if you must!}
{Painted Ladies--yes, the Full House houses!}
{Toes in the Pacific Ocean- a big check off the bucket list!}
{Golden Gate Bridge}

{Twin Peaks, I mean look at that view...}
I must admit, I find rolling hills and sandy beaches paired with year round warm weather and a contagious laid back attitude a rare yet unbeatable combination. I can't wait to head back!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a FAB time! I'm still jealous you went without me. tear.
