Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Record breaking winter storm, Pax swept through the South and was making its way Northeast, flights were cancelled preemptively, airports were chaotic and I was devastated thinking my trip to Colorado was a lost cause. In a desperate attempt to fly standby, I went to LaGuardia a day early hoping to get out of dodge before the snow began to fall. When I heard my name called from the list, I felt like I had just won the lottery--making my surprise early arrival that much more special.

We had a fun filled President's Day weekend with trips to Boulder and Breckenridge, snow tubing, a Coors brewery tour, home cocked meals, neighborhood walks and Olympic viewings. The weather was perfect, with snow still on the ground and sunny temperatures in the mid 60s. Colorado is my mini paradise and I could not be happier that my parents relocated to such a destination.


1 comment:

  1. looks like you have all the right gear to move there!! cute pictures, Kelly.
