Tuesday, January 7, 2014


With a new year and a refreshed outlook I am taking a positive approach to crafting my new years resolutions by focusing on trying new things rather than dwelling on what needs to be fixed.  I was inspired by Lauren Conrad's questionnaire so feel free to answer the questions below in your own words for resolution inspiration. When you take time to write your resolutions down, I find you are more likely to actually achieve them.  I wish everyone a healthy, adventuresome new year. Good luck!

A bad habit I'm going to break:
Late night sugar binges

A destination I'd like to visit: 

I'm going to work harder at: 
Calling (not texting!) friends and family far away

A project I would like to finish: 
Photo books from my college years 

A class I'd like to take: 
Culinary Classes & Soul Cycle 

I'd like to spend more time doing: 
Exercising (outside!) & Reading    

A food I want to eat more of: 
Raw fruits and veggies

I want to wear more: 
Jewelry, I always forget earrings! 

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