Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Record breaking winter storm, Pax swept through the South and was making its way Northeast, flights were cancelled preemptively, airports were chaotic and I was devastated thinking my trip to Colorado was a lost cause. In a desperate attempt to fly standby, I went to LaGuardia a day early hoping to get out of dodge before the snow began to fall. When I heard my name called from the list, I felt like I had just won the lottery--making my surprise early arrival that much more special.

We had a fun filled President's Day weekend with trips to Boulder and Breckenridge, snow tubing, a Coors brewery tour, home cocked meals, neighborhood walks and Olympic viewings. The weather was perfect, with snow still on the ground and sunny temperatures in the mid 60s. Colorado is my mini paradise and I could not be happier that my parents relocated to such a destination.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hostess Cupcakes.

President's Day was a weekend of celebration. The excitement surrounding family time in our new Colorado house, Valentine's Day and my upcoming birthday called for one thing: cupcakes. There is nothing better than early morning baking (thank you jet-lag) with my mom and enjoying a fresh cup of coffee while the house fills with the sweet smell of dark chocolate. I must admit, I was never a huge fan of these packaged Hostess treats, however this homemade version won me over. This recipe, while there are multiple steps, is easy to make and definitely worth the time. The cupcakes turned out perfectly--despite our high altitude concerns--and everyone seemed to enjoy! Who wouldn't love a decadent chocolate cupcake filled with marshmallow fluff, dipped in ganache and finished off with the signature vanilla swirl?




Monday, February 10, 2014


In the mist of NY fashion week, Harper's Bazaar upped the ante by launching a new app that takes fashion lingo to the next level. Have you ever felt like a few much needed emojis were just missing? Well, by downloading the (yes, free!) app, you will now be fully equip with the trendiest emojis around. Below are my favorites--leopard sunnies, Valentino studded stilettos, nail art, the Olsons, champ and soul cycle bikes--can hardly contain my excitement! Happy texting! 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Valentine's Day.

Many people love to hate this "cliche" holiday, but I must admit Valentine's Day has always been a favorite of mine. Having been born in February and nicknamed lovebug at an early age, I was destined to love this day. Not to mention I enjoy any excuse to give gifts, craft cards and indulge in sweets.  It has never been about my current relationship status but rather surrounding myself with the ones I love. This year I am heading to Colorado to celebrate with my wonderful parents. So bring on the flowers, chocolate and hearts! Here are some of my sweet picks for this Valentine's day. 


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I managed to escape the polar vortex that is New York and head out to sunny San Francisco for a much needed change of scenery. It is a city I had been dying to visit (especially since my big brother has lived there for six years now and from what I can tell, has no intention of leaving). I could go on and on about my trip, but I managed to post my five favorite San Francisco finds--believe me narrowing it down was no easy task! After just four says filled with drip cup coffees, outdoor markets, beach walks and beautiful sunrises, I can see the west coast appeal.

{Tartine- An absolute MUST if you are in SF. Best croissant I've had...wait in the ridiculously long line if you must!}
{Painted Ladies--yes, the Full House houses!}
{Toes in the Pacific Ocean- a big check off the bucket list!}
{Golden Gate Bridge}

{Twin Peaks, I mean look at that view...}
I must admit, I find rolling hills and sandy beaches paired with year round warm weather and a contagious laid back attitude a rare yet unbeatable combination. I can't wait to head back!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dulce de Leche Bars.

I have a serious weakness for any and all things caramel. Whether it is swirled in ice cream, baked into a cupcake or simply wrapped and topped with sea salt--when done right, there is nothing better than caramel. So naturally when I laid eyes on a jar of milk caramel dulce de leche I knew I had to put it to good use (though I would have happily eaten it straight from the jar). Using this recipe, I whipped up some heavenly bars filled with brown sugar, toffee, dulce de leche...need I say more?.....