Monday, September 30, 2013

Hello Fall.

Welcome to Rooftop Revelry! With the first couple of months in New York under my belt--oh, how time flies--I feel like I have finally settled in and found my niche in this crazy city. As the scorching heat subsides and autumn arrives, the city as a whole feels refreshed and rejuvenated. It is that magical time of year where the leaves start changing, holidays and family gatherings are around the corner, boots and cozy sweaters become new wardrobe staples and excuses to bake are abundant. F. Scott Fitzgerald captured the feeling perfectly when he wrote, "life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." With this new energy and attitude electrifying the city, I could think of no better time to start my first blog. Rooftop Revelry is a creative outlet for me to document the things that excite and inspire me and share them with others along the way. Enjoy!